Topics of Interest
We encourage submissions of high-quality research papers on the general areas of Electronics, Electrical and Grid Technology. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Electronic materials components
Electronic materials
Electric drivers and application
Electronic science and technology
Electronic engineering technology
Electronic technology
Digital electronic technology
Power electronic technology
Power electronics, systems and applications
*Electrical engineering
Civil engineering
Electrical machines and adjustable speed drives
Analog electronic technology
Computer science and technology
Electrical machinery and electrical apparatus
Electric circuit technology
Electrical vehicles
Electric energy processing
Smart grid
Electromagnetic compatibility
Electric vehicle technologies
*Grid Technology
Distributed Energy Resources: Renewable Generation, Electric Vehicles and Storage
Microgrids and Virtual Power Plant
Power Electronics and grid interface
Energy and Distribution Management Systems
Monitoring, Protection and Control in Energy Systems
Smart grid technologies for power generation, transmission, distribution, energy conversion and storage
Transmission system technologies, HVDC and FACTS
Distribution system and substation automation
Information and communication technologies for smart grids, interoperability and cyber-security
System integration of distributed energy resources, islanding and microgrids, hosting capacity
Planning and management of smart grid assets
Electric vehicle technologies and interactions with the grid
Power electronics, control and protection systems for smart grid applications
Uncertainty management in smart grid planning, forecasting and operation
Smart grid impacts on electricity markets, pricing and incentive/penalty schemes
Smart multi-energy infrastructures and the environment
Monitoring and control of power quality in smart grids